Yesterday we went to the big demonstration in Copenhagen for a FAB deal at the conference, Fair, Ambitious and Binding. 100 000 people gathered at a city square and after an hour there was a big march to the Conference Center, a 6 kilometer walk. We were somewhere in the middle of the enormous row of people. As far as you could look behind and ahead of us there were people with flags or signs from numerous organizations. After one and a half hours of walking, it became dark and we were getting cold, so we decided to go back to the city with the metro. It was a very powerful and almost totally peaceful demonstration.
Last night there was the NGO party in club VEGA, one of the biggest clubs in Copenhagen. . When we arrived it looked like a boring party, because there was some music, but nobody danced and everybody was just talking. Then the salsa band started playing and the party started in a few minutes. After the salsa band a Balkan band preformed and people from all over the world danced, laughed and partied together and we had a great evening.
Today the last Project Survival students from the Netherlands arrived. They traveled with the Copenhagen Express, the train with the Dutch delegation and other Dutch NGO’s. Tomorrow we will be fully complete, when the two youth delegates from Guinea have arrived.
Now we are looking forward to a meeting with two Dutch ministers tomorrow, Minister Cramer for Environment and Minister Koenders for Development Cooperation.
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